Helper Functions#

In addition to the primary tokenize() entry-point, the tokenize module has several additional helper functions.


Similar to tokenize(), except the readline method should return strings instead of bytes. This is useful when working interactively, as you do not need to use bytes literals or encode str objects into bytes. It otherwise works the same as tokenize: it accepts a readline method and returns an iterator of tokens.

An important difference with generate_tokens() is that since it already accepts strings, it assumes that the input is already encoded. Therefore, it will ignore # -*- coding: ... -*- comments (see the section on exceptions). Consequently, you should only use this function when you already have the input as an encoded string (e.g., when working interactively). If you are reading from a file or receiving the Python from some other source that is in bytes, you should use tokenize() instead, as it will correctly detect the encoding from coding headers.

Another important difference is that generate_tokens() will not emit the ENCODING token.

This guide uses tokenize() in all its examples. This is because even though generate_tokens() may appear to be more convenient—after all, the examples here are all self-contained pieces of code in strings—the typical use-case of tokenize involves reading a code from bytes (i.e., from a file).

Furthermore, it is also often convenient to have the ENCODING token as a guaranteed first token, even if it is not actually used, as it can make processing tokens a little simpler in some cases (see the examples).

Finally, note that untokenize() returns a bytes object, so if you are working with it, it maybe be simpler to just use tokenize() and work with bytes everywhere.

Here is an example comparing tokenize() to generate_tokens() for the code a + b.

>>> import tokenize
>>> import io
>>> code = "a + b\n"
>>> # With tokenize, we must encode the string as bytes
>>> for t in tokenize.tokenize(io.BytesIO(code.encode('utf-8')).readline):
...     print(t)
TokenInfo(type=63 (ENCODING), string='utf-8', start=(0, 0), end=(0, 0), line='')
TokenInfo(type=1 (NAME), string='a', start=(1, 0), end=(1, 1), line='a + b\n')
TokenInfo(type=54 (OP), string='+', start=(1, 2), end=(1, 3), line='a + b\n')
TokenInfo(type=1 (NAME), string='b', start=(1, 4), end=(1, 5), line='a + b\n')
TokenInfo(type=4 (NEWLINE), string='\n', start=(1, 5), end=(1, 6), line='a + b\n')
TokenInfo(type=0 (ENDMARKER), string='', start=(2, 0), end=(2, 0), line='')
>>> # With generate_tokens(), we can use the encoded str object directly.
>>> # The output is the same except for the fact that the ENCODING token is omitted.
>>> for t in tokenize.generate_tokens(io.StringIO(code).readline):
...     print(t)
TokenInfo(type=1 (NAME), string='a', start=(1, 0), end=(1, 1), line='a + b\n')
TokenInfo(type=54 (OP), string='+', start=(1, 2), end=(1, 3), line='a + b\n')
TokenInfo(type=1 (NAME), string='b', start=(1, 4), end=(1, 5), line='a + b\n')
TokenInfo(type=4 (NEWLINE), string='\n', start=(1, 5), end=(1, 6), line='a + b\n')
TokenInfo(type=0 (ENDMARKER), string='', start=(2, 0), end=(2, 0), line='')


Converts an iterable of tokens into a bytes string. The string is encoded using the encoding of the ENCODING token. If there is no ENCODING token present, the string is returned decoded (a str instead of bytes). The iterable can be TokenInfo objects, or tuples of (TOKEN_TYPE, TOKEN_STRING).

This function always round-trips in one direction, namely, tokenize(io.BytesIO(untokenize(tokens)).readline) will always return the same tokens.

If full TokenInfo tuples are given with correct start and end information (iterable of 5-tuples), this function also round-trips in the other direction, for the most part (it assumes space characters between tokens). However, be aware that the start and end tuples must be nondecreasing. If the start of one token is before the end of the previous token, it raises ValueError. Therefore, if you want to modify tokens and use untokenize() to convert back to a string, using full 5-tuples, you must keep track of and maintain the line and column information in start and end.

>>> import tokenize
>>> import io
>>> string = b'sum([[1, 2]][0])'
>>> tokenize.untokenize(tokenize.tokenize(io.BytesIO(string).readline))
b'sum([[1, 2]][0])'

If only the token type and token names are given (iterable of 2-tuples), untokenize() does not round-trip, and in fact, for any nontrivial input, the resulting bytes string will be very different than the original input. This is because untokenize() adds spaces after certain tokens to ensure the resulting string is syntactically valid (or rather, to ensure that it tokenizes back in the same way).

>>> tokenize.untokenize([(i, j) for (i, j, _, _, _) in tokenize.tokenize(io.BytesIO(string).readline)])
b'sum ([[1 ,2 ]][0 ])'

2-tuples and 5-tuples can be mixed (for instance, you can add new tokens to a list of TokenInfo objects using only 2-tuples), but in this case, it will ignore the column information for the 5-tuples.

Consider this simple example which replaces all STRING tokens with a list of STRING tokens of individual characters (making use of implicit string concatenation). Once untokenize() encounters the newly added 2-tuple tokens, it ignores the column information and uses its own spacing.

>>> import ast
>>> def split_string(s):
...     """
...     Split string tokens into constituent characters
...     """
...     new_tokens = []
...     for toknum, tokstr, start, end, line in tokenize.tokenize(io.BytesIO(s.encode('utf-8')).readline):
...         if toknum == tokenize.STRING:
...             for char in ast.literal_eval(tokstr):
...                 new_tokens.append((toknum, repr(char)))
...         else:
...             new_tokens.append((toknum, tokstr, start, end, line))
...     return tokenize.untokenize(new_tokens).decode('utf-8')
>>> split_string("print('hello ') and print('world')")
"print('h' 'e' 'l' 'l' 'o' ' ')and print ('w' 'o' 'r' 'l' 'd')"

If you want to use the tokenize module to extend the Python language injecting or modifying tokens in a token stream, then using exec or eval to convert the resulting source into executable code, and you do not care what the code itself looks like, you can simply pass this function tuples of (TOKEN_TYPE, TOKEN_STRING) and it will work fine. However, if your end goal is to translate code in a human-readable way, you must keep track of line and column information near the tokens you modify. The tokenize module does not provide any tools to help with this.


The official docs for this function are helpful. This is the function used by tokenize() to generate the ENCODING token. It can be used separately to determine the encoding of some Python code. The calling syntax is the same as for tokenize().

Returns a tuple of the encoding, and a list of any lines (in bytes) that it has read from the function (it will read at most two lines from the file). Invalid encodings will cause it to raise a SyntaxError.

>>> tokenize.detect_encoding(io.BytesIO(b'# -*- coding: ascii -*-').readline)
('ascii', [b'# -*- coding: ascii -*-'])

This function should be used to detect the encoding of a Python source file before opening it in text mode. For example

with open('', 'br') as f:
    encoding, _ = tokenize.detect_encoding(f.readline)

with open('', encoding=encoding) as f:

Otherwise, the text read from the file may not be parsable as Python. For example, ast.parse may fail if text from the file is read with the wrong encoding. For example, if a file starts with a Unicode BOM character, ast.parse will fail if the file is not opened with the proper encoding.

This is an alternative to the built-in open() function that automatically opens a Python file in text mode with the correct encoding, as detected by detect_encoding().

This function is not particularly useful in conjunction with the tokenize() function (remember that tokenize() requires opening a file in binary mode, whereas this function opens it in text mode). Rather, this is a function that uses the functionality of the tokenize module, in particular, detect_encoding(), to provide a higher level task that would be difficult to do otherwise (opening a Python source file in text mode using the syntactically correct encoding).

Command Line Usage#

The tokenize module can be called from the command line using python -m tokenize This prints three columns, representing the start-end line and column positions, the token type, and the token string. If the -e flag is used, the token type for operators is the exact type. Otherwise the OP type is used.

$ python -m tokenize
0,0-0,0:            ENCODING       'utf-8'
1,0-1,43:           COMMENT        '# This is a an example file to be tokenized'
1,43-1,44:          NL             '\n'
2,0-2,1:            NL             '\n'
3,0-3,3:            NAME           'def'
3,4-3,7:            NAME           'two'
3,7-3,8:            OP             '('
3,8-3,9:            OP             ')'
3,9-3,10:           OP             ':'
3,10-3,11:          NEWLINE        '\n'
4,0-4,4:            INDENT         '    '
4,4-4,10:           NAME           'return'
4,11-4,12:          NUMBER         '1'
4,13-4,14:          OP             '+'
4,15-4,16:          NUMBER         '1'
4,16-4,17:          NEWLINE        '\n'
5,0-5,0:            DEDENT         ''
5,0-5,0:            ENDMARKER      ''
$ python -m tokenize -e
0,0-0,0:            ENCODING       'utf-8'
1,0-1,43:           COMMENT        '# This is a an example file to be tokenized'
1,43-1,44:          NL             '\n'
2,0-2,1:            NL             '\n'
3,0-3,3:            NAME           'def'
3,4-3,7:            NAME           'two'
3,7-3,8:            LPAR           '('
3,8-3,9:            RPAR           ')'
3,9-3,10:           COLON          ':'
3,10-3,11:          NEWLINE        '\n'
4,0-4,4:            INDENT         '    '
4,4-4,10:           NAME           'return'
4,11-4,12:          NUMBER         '1'
4,13-4,14:          PLUS           '+'
4,15-4,16:          NUMBER         '1'
4,16-4,17:          NEWLINE        '\n'
5,0-5,0:            DEDENT         ''
5,0-5,0:            ENDMARKER      ''