tokenize vs. Alternatives#

There are generally three methods one might use when trying to find or modify syntactic constructs in Python source code:

  • Naive matching with regular expressions

  • Using a lexical tokenizer (i.e., the tokenize module)

  • Using an abstract syntax tree (AST) (i.e, the ast module)

Let us look at each of these three options to see the strengths and weaknesses of each. Suppose you wanted to write a tool that takes a piece of Python code and prints the line number of every function definition, that is, every occurrence of the def keyword. Such a tool could be used by a text editor to aid in jumping to function definitions, for instance.

Regular Expressions#

Using naive regular expression parsing, you might start with something like

>>> import re
>>> FUNCTION = re.compile(r'def ')

Then using regular expression matching, find all lines that match and print their line numbers.

>>> def line_numbers_regex(inputcode):
...     for lineno, line in enumerate(inputcode.splitlines(), 1):
...         if
...             print(lineno)
>>> code = """\
... def f(x):
...     pass
... class MyClass:
...     def g(self):
...         pass
... """
>>> line_numbers_regex(code)

You might notice some issues with this approach. First off, the regular expression is not correct. It will also match lines like undef + 1. You could modify the regex to make it more correct, for instance, r'^ *def ' (this is still not completely right; do you see why?).

Getting the regular expression correct to match even this simple language construct is challenging, but there is a more serious issue. Say you had a string template to generate some Python code.

>>> code_tricky = '''\
... def {name}({args}):
...     {body}
... """
... '''

The regular expression would detect this as a function.

>>> line_numbers_regex(code_tricky)

In general, it’s very difficult, if not impossible, for a regular expression to distinguish between a text that is inside a string and text that isn’t.

This may or may not actually bother you, depending on your application. Function definitions may not appear inside of strings very often, but other code constructs appear in strings (and comments) quite often. To quickly digress to a secondary example, the tokenize module can be used to check if a piece of (incomplete) Python code has any mismatched parentheses or braces. In this case, you definitely don’t want to do a naive matching of parentheses in the source as a whole, as a single “mismatched” parenthesis in a string could confuse the entire engine, even if the source as Python is itself valid. We will see this example in more detail later.


Now let’s consider the tokenize module. It’s quite easy to search for the def keyword. We just look for NAME tokens where the token string is 'def'. Let’s write a function that does this and look at what it produces for the above code examples:

>>> import tokenize
>>> import io
>>> def line_numbers_tokenize(inputcode):
...     for tok in tokenize.tokenize(io.BytesIO(inputcode.encode('utf-8')).readline):
...         if tok.type == tokenize.NAME and tok.string == 'def':
...             print(tok.start[0])
>>> line_numbers_tokenize(code)
>>> line_numbers_tokenize(code_tricky) # No lines are printed

We see that it isn’t fooled by the code that is in a string, because strings are tokenized as separate entities.

As noted above, tokenize can handle incomplete or invalid Python. Our regex solution is also capable of this. This can be a boon (code that is being input into a text editor is generally incomplete if the user hasn’t finished typing it yet), or a bane (incorrect Python code, such as def used as a variable, could trick the above function). It really depends on what your use-case is and what trade-offs you are willing to accept.

It should also be noted that the above function is not fully correct, as it does not properly handle ERRORTOKENs or exceptions. We will see later how to fix it.


The ast module can also be used to avoid the pitfalls of detecting false positives. In fact, the ast module will have NO false positives. The price that is paid for this is that the input code to the ast module must be completely valid Python code. Incomplete or syntactically invalid code will cause ast.parse to raise a SyntaxError.[1]

>>> import ast
>>> def line_number_ast(inputcode):
...     p = ast.parse(inputcode)
...     for node in ast.walk(p):
...         if isinstance(node, ast.FunctionDef):
...             print(node.lineno)
>>> line_number_ast(code)
>>> line_number_ast(code_tricky) # No lines are printed
>>> line_number_ast("""\
... def test(
... """)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<unknown>", line 1
    def test(
SyntaxError: '(' was never closed

Another thing to note about the ast module is that certain semantically irrelevant constructs such as redundant parentheses and extraneous whitespace are lost in the AST representation. This can be an advantage if you don’t care about them, or a disadvantage if you do. tokenize does not remove redundant parentheses. It does remove whitespace, but it can easily be reconstructed from the information in the TokenInfo tuple.

If you want to learn more about the AST module, look at Thomas Kluyver’s Green Tree Snakes, which is this guide’s counterpart for the Python ast module.


The following table outlines the differences between using regular expression matching, tokenize, and ast to find or modify constructs in Python source code. No one method is the correct solution. It depends on what trade-offs you want to make between false positives, false negatives, maintainability, and the ability or inability to work with invalid or incomplete code. The table is not organized as “pros and cons” because some things may be pros (like the ability to work with incomplete code) or cons (like accepting invalid Python), depending on what you are trying to do.

Regular expressions



Can work with incomplete or invalid Python.

Can work with incomplete or invalid Python, though you may need to watch for ERRORTOKEN and exceptions.

Requires syntactically valid Python (with a few minor exceptions).

Regular expressions can be difficult to write correctly and maintain.

Token types are easy to detect. Larger patterns must be amalgamated from the tokens. Some tokens mean different things in different contexts.

AST has high-level abstractions such as ast.walk and NodeTransformer that make visiting and transforming nodes easy, even in complicated ways.

Regular expressions work directly on the source code, so it is trivial to do lossless source code transformations with them.

Lossless source code transformations are possible with tokenize, as all the whitespace can be inferred from the TokenInfo tuples. However, it can often be tricky to do in practice, as it requires manually accounting for column offsets.

Lossless source code transformations are impossible with ast, as it completely drops whitespace, redundant parentheses, and comments (among other things).

Impossible to detect edge cases in all circumstances, such as code that actually is inside of a string.

Edge cases can be avoided. Differentiates between actual code and code inside a comment or string. Can still be fooled by invalid Python (though this can often be considered a garbage in, garbage out scenario).

Edge cases can be avoided effortlessly, as only valid Python can even be parsed, and each node class represents that syntactic construct exactly.

As you can see, all three can be valid depending on what you are trying to do. With that being said, I hope I can convince you that using tokenize is almost always preferable to using regular expressions to match Python code. Code written using the tokenize module will be more correct on edge cases, more maintainable, and easier to extend.

Other Standard Library Modules#

In addition to tokenize and ast, the Python standard library has several other modules which can aid in inspecting and manipulating Python source code.


As a final note, David Halter’s parso library contains an alternative implementation of the standard library tokenize and ast modules for Python. Parso has many advantages over the standard library, such as round-trippable AST, a tokenize() function that has fewer “gotchas” and doesn’t raise exceptions, the ability to detect multiple syntax errors in a single block of code, the ability to parse Python code for a different version of Python than the one that is running, and more. If you don’t mind an external dependency and want to save yourself potential headaches, it is worth considering using parso instead of the standard library tokenize or ast. Parso’s tokenizer (parso.python.tokenize.tokenize()) is based on the standard library tokenize, so even if you use it, this guide may be helpful in understanding it.