Moving to GitHub pages with Nikola
So I've finally decided to move my blog from Wordpress to GitHub pages. I highly recommend it if you are technically skilled enough to do it. I was getting pretty annoyed at Wordpress. It forces you to write your posts in html (or else using their WYSIWYG editor), the is locked down, so you can't add any Javascript, their math is stuck in the past rendering png instead of using MathJax. The list goes on.
With GitHub pages, I can write my posts in Markdown, and I have full control
over everything. And there is no lock in. If I decide I don't like the
software that is generating the posts, I can easily move to something else,
since the post content itself is all Markdown (or the occasional rst or
IPython notebook if I want to do something that Markdown doesn't support). I
can use MathJax for math (like
Setting up GitHub Pages
First, you need to set up GitHub pages. This is a bit confusing, because there
are actually two kinds of GitHub pages, user pages and project pages. User
pages are if you have a repo named
(or .com
). The pages
are served from the master
For project pages, you add a gh-pages
branch to any one of your projects,
and GitHub hosts the content automatically at
. I originally had my blog content at
, but I didn't like that I had to do everything in master,
both the generated and original content. So instead I created a repo called
. I have my content in the master
branch and the generated pages in
the gh-pages
branch (more on this later). At my
I just have for now a basic redirect to the blog. In the future, I may want to
put additional, non-blog content on the website, and it would go there (or in
a separate project repo with its own gh-pages
I had initially planned on using Pelican. However, I got stalled on the Wordpress import. I like that Pelican is written in Python, but I was not too keen on their abrasive license. Frankly, I shouldn't say too many bad things about Pelican because I never really tried that hard with it.
I have decided to try Nikola instead. It's also written in Python. It has a very nice license. I like the philosophy of the manual:
I've also discovered that the Nikola community is very nice. And of course, even if Nikola ends up not being for me, it will be easy to switch, because my actual content is just some Markdown files that I own.
Getting started
Getting started with Nikola is pretty easy. First, you need to install it. It
has a ton of dependencies (fortunately all Python, so it won't be that
hard). In addition to the ones in the requirements.txt, you should also
install markdown
and webassets
. While using nikola
, it will tell you if
you don't have something installed that you should, so if you see that, just
install what it tells you to. If you use conda
and Mac OS X, I have
uploaded all the dependencies to my Binstar,
so you can just conda install -c asmeurer nikola
. Oh and don't worry, Nikola
and its dependencies fully support Python 3 (I wouldn't be using it if they
Then you just run the commands from
One thing that doesn't tell you is that after you init the site, you should
walk through
and change the settings to your liking.
Another trick not there is that you can add
eval "`nikola tabcompletion`"
to your Bash profile to get tab completion.
Here are some useful tricks:
To enable MathJax, you have to type
in a line by itself in the metadata file. There are some bugs right now, but ideally you could do inline math with$math$
and display math with$$math$$
doesn't work currently, but you can do\\(math\\)
s are required, although this is likely a bug). You can do\\[math\\]
for display math. Here are some examples. Inline: . Display: -
Your one-stop command when blogging is
nikola auto
. This requireslivereload
. This will serve the blog on localhost, and automatically rebuild it when any change is made (and I really mean any change: it can even detect when you change Nikola itself). -
I have the following in my to deploy:
"git checkout gh-pages",
"rsync -rPv --delete-after --exclude old_blog --exclude .git --exclude .gitignore --exclude cache/ --exclude .doit.db.db output/ .",
"git add -A",
"git commit -a -m 'Updating blog content'",
"git push",
"git checkout master",
WARNING: These commands are dangerous. If you don't properly exclude things
like .git
, you will wipe your entire git history. I highly recommend
committing everything and pushing to GitHub before deploying.
- Use
for your .gitignore
- Despite what it says on the Nikola page, be sure to read the docs, because
there are a lot of cool features you won't know about unless you read about
them. Also be sure to read through
Wordpress import
This is something that I am still figuring out. You can see the progress at
Importing from Wordpress is pretty easy actually (at least in theory). First you need to go to the Wordpress site dashboard and go to "Export" from the "Tools" menu. From here you can download an XML file with all your content. Then just do
nikola import_wordpress export_file.xml
Note that the current version of Nikola as of this writing (6.3.0) doesn't do this right, so you'll need to use the git master. There are some issues with the import, since Wordpress has its own markup that it doesn't know everything about, so you may need to go in and fix things. Or report them as bugs to Nikola and reimport when they are fixed.
You'll need to go through the posts and make sure that they are rendered correctly (this is one reason I haven't finished doing it yet).
For comments, you first need to create a Disqus account, and enable it in your You should then upload the xml file that you exported from Wordpress to Disqus. At this point, the comments should just work, because Nikola sets the Disqus url for the imported comments to the old Wordpress url (look at the Disqus section of one of the built pages).
I don't know how to automatically backlink from Wordpress back to Nikola. Maybe I should just automatically generate some links and paste them in manually.